Monday, March 17, 2014

Holi: springing of the year

Holi (in India) is also called the Spring Festival [1] 
as it marks the arrival of spring [2], the season of hope and joy. 
The gloom of the winter goes away as Holi [3] promises of warmth and bright sunshine..
pic courtesy:google doodle/holi-festival-2014
change in the air, perceived by plants, expressed through colors so vibrant ..
pic courtesy:
pic courtesy:
 ..that human too followed with bonfires and colors.
pic courtesy: The Hindu, Photo: Mohammed. Yousuf
pic courtesy:

This is also a time when farmers are happy with their mustard, wheat and other crops in the field 
and so are many more visitors: 
i.e. various kind of insect and bees with vivid beauties; 
as if to greet this festivity !!