Thursday, March 14, 2013

Indian marriages: exploring the psyche of rituals

Observing the rituals performed in traditional Indian marriages states clearly that age-old long past (3500 years at least) traditions of Vedic Civilization is perfectly followed up, where the 'nature' comes as primary worshiping object, including the sacred fire, which was a major deity and theme of the Vedic era [1] .
From the dawn of human civilization in Indian subcontinent, the Vedic Period, whose collected wisdom remained unwritten for three thousand years since 1500 BC.
If Incan [2] and  Mayan [3] civilizations are correlated with the Vedic civilization, we find much common points concerned with the nature and human attitude towards it, as our today's concept of 'Back to Basics', which is the need of the hour for us all equally.
These cultures are long past, thousands of 
years back in time with their strong sociology and tech, somehow suggests the possibility of some 'Common Axis' among these grand civilizations of the past [4] [5] . 
Like many other known past, this too came to exist not and new civilization (Aryan) and religion (Buddhism) sprouted on it's ruins.'s interesting to see those long forgotten past with their words, deities, rituals being observed by masses, just as if 'something' inspired them to do so, despite their 'present' of 2013,which is so different and so far away from 1500 BC.
The simple and logical explanation could be made for this flow of human mass that this also follows the Haeckel's Biogenetic Law (Theory of Recapitulation), i.e. Ontogeny repeats Phylogeny. (With different formulations, such ideas have been applied and extended to several fields and areas, including the origin of language, biology, cognition and mental activities, anthropology, education theory and developmental psychology.) 

Agni is the most sacred deity of the Vedic period. He occupies a prominent place only next to Indra. Two hundred hymns of the Rig-veda are devoted to him [6].
Gods are different phenomena of nature-fire, wind, sun, earth, moon etc. Natural phenomena personified as gods, were endowed with powers.
Why did Vedic seers call the phenomena of nature as gods?
The epithet देव (Dev) was originally applicable to sky, sun, moon, dawn, fire, lightning etc. and afterwards extended to earth, storm, rain, and even to the night. Yaska calls every object of worship or praise, a देवता (Devta).
Vedic books containing poetry, history, geography, archaeology, anthropology, anthropomorphism, palaeontology, genesis of the deities, science, phonetics, science of language, ethnology, mythology, theogony, jurisprudence, religion, vedanta, philosophy of people and places therein..
Famous Indologist F. Max Muller has said about: "You will find yourselves everywhere in India between an immense past and an immense future, with opportunities such as the old world could but seldom, if ever, offer you". 

#Pictures of this blog-post are under strict copyright laws.
#Thanks to Aniket Pandey for his consent to photograph his marriage event and use some pictures for this blog-post.
 #Some more links of the same author about Vedic phenomenon being observed are:[7] [8] [9] .

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