Friday, January 3, 2014

Mind-Blowing Electron Microscopy

Electron Microscope can reveal the structure of smaller objects because electrons have wavelengths about 100,000 times shorter than visible light photons. 
They can achieve magnifications of up to about 10,000,000x whereas ordinary, non-confocal light microscopes are limited by magnifications below 2000x.

Following are shared images of electron microscopy to our amazement..
 (shared from:

Beetle Head
A frontal view of a myrmecophilous ground beetle with the antennae removed.
Head Lice
A head louse on two human hairs.
Dental Floss
The edge section of generic dental floss.
A domestic spider found in shower. Size of the spider about 5 mm.
The head and midpiece of a mouse sperm.
A stereoscopic image of a faceup woodlouse. Look through 3D stereoscopic glasses (red and blue) to see the "volume."
Bacteria On Food
Listeria monocytogenes (green) biofilm forming on the surface of turkey jerky.
Insect Antenna
The antennae of an insect, shown to be sensor-rich and to contain unique architectures for the collection of sensory information.
Cells in wood, showing pits and cells running in both directions.
Fish Scale
A fish scale from an Eastern Sand Darter.
Spiny Dogfish
The skin surface of an Atlantic spiny dogfish.
A titanium, aluminum and vanadium alloy powder, usually employed for the manufacture of medical prostheses and implants.
Yellow Mimosa
An Acacia dealbata (yellow mimosa) flower about to open.
Desert Rose
Desert rose Cu particles forming after the decomposition of CuH at ambient conditions.
Magnetite Mineral
Magnetite contamination particle on 70-degree tilted specimen. All parts of the particle are individual magnetite crystals.

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